
Maintaining CDM 2015 Compliance while Unable to Meet Your Design Team due to COVID19

Unfortunately, a principal designer cannot safely organize design meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, the designer still has to undertake design risk management and provide health & safety information. Most importantly, the principal designer must coordinate the flow of all this information with their team and the client, to comply with the requirements of CDM 2015.

This demands a remote remedy. For instance, Mosaic’s cloud-based app solves your collaboration and document management needs during this era of social distancing. And even after the COVID-19 pandemic, it will continue to be an essential resource. Apart from simplifying your coordination responsibilities, the app saves your time. Let’s see how this is possible.


Providing Pre-construction Information

The CDM regulations 2015 require the Principal Designer to plan, manage and monitor H&S during the pre-construction phase and this includes managing design risks. Again, it demands that you assess health & safety standards and provide information to the project stakeholders during the pre-construction phase.

“The right information to the right people at the right time”

Mosaic’s proprietary HARI tool allows you to identify hazards and risks. This you can do via the application’s online Hazard Assessment and Risk Identification questionnaire. Again, you can create a comprehensive workflow amongst your design team through collaborative risk assessment.

Mosaic App enables you to:

  • Identify risks
  • Eliminate the risks
  • Comment on the risks
  • Upload safety documents
  • Produce risk registers

Additionally, the Mosaic app enables you to add essential Health and Safety information. Through the app, you can provide your design team with files for both the Pre-Construction Information and the Health & Safety File.

Mosaic App enables you to:

  • produce document checklists for PCI and H&S Files
  • Prompt users via automated reminders
  • Produce easily navigable folder structures
  • assign document responsibility to individuals


Coordinate Your Project Team

In as much as COVID-19 restricts your physical design team meetings, you can comfortably guide the team remotely via the Mosaic app, and host your team meetings via conference software such as Zoom. Project Team members can all have access to Mosaic, there is no limit to the number of collaborators you can invite in. Everyone can have their input and be provided access to the information being collated, providing an essential, open and informative tool. You can collect the right data, serve your client while providing resources to other designers and every stakeholder on the project.

Mosaic are currently running a Beta version of the app which enables you to run multiple projects free of charge. The app allows you to:

  • control all your design responsibilities from one place, across multiple projects;
  • invite collaborators to join the project directory and provide input;
  • keep everyone informed throughout the pre-construction phase;
  • create informative Risk Registers and PCI files for interested parties, i.e. Principal Contractors.

CDM 2015 requires you to prepare, update as well as revise safety documents. Forget about unnecessary meetings and tedious excel spreadsheet preparations during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Mosaic app lets all project stakeholders:

  • Create instant and comprehensive reports on health and safety status
  • Access a PCI and H&S file exporter. You can access these through one-click of a button
  • View all actions taken by other collaborators via the audit log
  • Get access to the latest versions of essential project files any time

Through the features mentioned above, Mosaic enables the Principal Designer to oversee decisions that affect the construction design. Apart from the availability of checklists and workflows, the app saves your time. With one-click reports and one-click email reminders, you won’t spend hours providing status updates and chasing up the project team.

Equally, you can avoid lengthy travel up and down the country to site meetings, even when not on lockdown. Via the app’s automatic generated reports and email reminders, you can send your project stakeholders personalised reminders informing them of information they are required to provide, and fully detailed status reports to inform the project meetings.



Although the COVID-19 pandemic restricts face to face meetings, you can still accomplish your CDM 2015 compliance. As a principal designer, you can remotely manage your design team.

Through the Mosaic app, you can discharge your CDM duties by identifying hazards and risks, providing pre-construction information, and health and safety files as well as overseeing designs.

Lastly, the app saves your time by allowing all project team members to instantly access risk registers, the PCI, and the H&S file. Sign up for the app FREE today to enjoy unlimited resources during lockdown!!



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Maintaining CDM 2015 Compliance while Unable to Meet Your Design Team due to COVID19

Unfortunately, a principal designer cannot safely organize design meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, the designer still has to undertake design risk management and provide health & safety information. Most importantly, the principal designer must coordinate the flow of all this information with their team and the client, to comply with the requirements of CDM … Continue reading Maintaining CDM 2015 Compliance while Unable to Meet Your Design Team due to COVID19

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